2024 Here we come! Life of PA Part Two
Christmas is an interesting time of year. For those who celebrate, it brings joy, sadness, happiness, stress and just about every other feeling under the sun. One thing we all must experience is the obligatory social media posts of people making their pets pay their way. For his first ever Christmas my kitten, Dutch van der Linde (or Dutch for short), was subjected to a beautiful Santa-esque poncho. I found the colour brought out his aquamarine kitten eyes! And of course, we cannot forget to include the star of Facebook, Tigerlily, who provides the most posey pictures imaginable.

As mum is the connoisseur of self-taught talents, I have decided to try and mimic her photoshopping skills. It was only fitting that my first picture was both Christmas and book related. We agreed that the magical tuft of smoke would cover up any blemishes in my work! To the luck of our social media following, I will be continuing to learn photo editing, taking photos with props and other skills that mum has up her sleeve.
Now that Christmas has been and gone, we enter a new year. A time for new year’s resolutions that few will maintain, losing weight gained over the festive period, and for patching up family relationships that are tested during large social gatherings. Nevertheless, this is a year filled with excitement for this PA! A chance for me to really get into the swing of the best job I could hope for and a chance for me to assist Mum with her many projects.

January is looking to be a busy month with Hecate book two being started, countless meetings with important people, continuing with script editing and planning out the other eleven months of the year. Typically, mum would be researching her new books by herself, but this time around she has yours truly to relieve some of the pressure. As the books need to be accurate in their descriptions of locations, some traveling to said places may be required. I would never say no to an adventure to a new place with the best boss in the world. Photo updates of our adventures will undoubtedly follow in my upcoming blogs. The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish will be released everywhere on July 23rd, mark your calendars, peeps!

This year is a big one for The Found Things television series. We will see progression such as more location scouting and casting! Personally, one of my favourite parts of this entire process is to design the ideal cast to fit the character’s looks and personalities to bring them properly to life. Mum has had an idea of what people she would cast but those will be my little secret, for now. That being said, I am looking to be involved with every aspect of this process if I can as it is not every day this type of situation happens.
As the series is set in Wiltshire, we will spend a lot of time exploring and researching the different areas within. I have not visited Wiltshire properly before, only in passing through. So as ever, I am excited to discover a new place. As aforementioned, stay tuned for pictures of locations and Easter egg hints relating to the series. Another vital part to both my job and the TV series is marketing. A lot of my time is spent brainstorming ways in which I can provide the best marketing to do mum’s work justice. I have discovered that using our various pets as bait works wonders! I mean, who could resist those adorable faces? Although, I feel it is time for another fresh and fluffy face to join the muddle, but only time will tell!
That all being said, I must rush to pre-emptively pack my bags and be ready to spring into useful action at any moments notice.

It’s going to be a busy year!
So excited for you both. The found things series were the first books i read. I have read them twice. Re reading the last one as i missed the link to the witchy books that i read after. Of course as soon as i started, it all made sense! Looking forward to July! Have fun both if you x.
I’m glad you enjoyed the crossover, I had so much fun bringing the characters together!